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Neo Campus
Grasse (06)

The former prison of Grasse is part of a remarkable heritage. This exclusive and emblematic site is now being transformed into the Néo Campus student residence, comprising 77 housings ranging in size from 14 m² to 29 m², spread over 2 buildings. 38 units will be built in the historic part of the building, which has been preserved and restored, around the central nave, while the remaining 39 will be built in the part that has been demolished to make way for the new building, all in compliance with the requirements of the Architectes des Bâtiments de France.


  • Commercial launch |
  • Marketing |
  • Work in progress |
  • Oncoming delivery |
  • Work completed


Grasse (06)


77 studios, furniture pack included

How much?

From € 124 000


Delivery expected in Q3 2025


A prime location

  • Immediate neighbour of the GRASSE CAMPUS Le Palais university and its 800 students
  • At the heart of a university cluster with over 30,000 students, Grasse has a number of universities offering courses ranging from 2-year degrees to 5-6 degrees.
  • Less than 15 minutes from the Sophia Antipolis technology park and highly adapted infrastructure: the new Charles Nègre multimedia library, winner of the prestigious Équerre d’argent 2022 award. This 3,600 m2 cultural facility once again supports the town of Grasse’s desire to attract young students.

Para-Hotel scheme: Profitability of 4%

  • VAT recovery
  • Numerous deductible expenses
  • Little or no tax on rental income
  • Deficit deductible from the professional operator’s overall income
  • Exemption from property wealth tax for professionals
  • Exemption from IFI* tax
  • Exemption from capital gains tax on transfers*

*See conditions in sales office

Location and environment

At the heart of a 30,000-student university cluster in the world city of perfume.

Other ongoing programs

La Garde-Freinet (83)

Domaine de la Calade

11 semi-detached houses

From € 439 000

Delivery expected in Q1 2024

Cormeilles-en-Parisis (95)

Domaine Naturé Seine

6 semi-detached houses and 23 apartments from T2 to T4

From € 297 000

Delivery expected in Q4 2024

Our values

social and environmental

Creating of real
life concepts

and reputation

+33 (0)5 59 03 13 00